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Furniture Made from Rusted Soviet Naval Mines

Estonian artist Mati Karmin creates different things out of old and rusted Soviet naval mines from an ex-Soviet fortress on Naissaar Island, Estonia.

Kill Bill Cake

Very cool Kill Bill cake for the girl's 9th Kill Bill themed birthday.

The Hottest Celebrities of Belarus

Belarus? It's a former Soviet Republic located in Eastern Europe. Here are the hottest Belarus celebrities according to a local magazine.

Credo E-Bone Concept Bus

This Credo E-Bone concept bus is powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

girl tatto lower and star

girl tatto lower and star

The sexy hot star of the Transformer series is a tattoo enthusiast even if her mother is not. She has a star, a Marilyn Monroe and quotes tattoo. Her tattoo reads "We will all laugh at gilded butterflies." Another one reads "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart

The list of female celebrities who has tattoo includes Christina Aguilera, Kelly Osbourne, Kate Moss, Jessica Alba, Christina Ricci, Beyonce, Alanis Morisette, Ashley Simpson and so many others whose names do not yet ring a bell in tinsel town.

Picture of Scorpion Tattoo for girl

Picture of Scorpion Tattoo for girl

A scorpion tattoo is very easy to have tattooed onto your body because it's generally only one or two colors so the tattooing time is shorter as there's no need to switch between colors. There are many tattoo shop artists that can create this sort of design and many of them can also modify the images to come out whatever way the customer wants them to look. Some people may want a scorpion that is a little scarier than other designs and will have the artist add some blood or other things around the scorpion design. The main thing is to have the design really stand out and maybe even look like the scorpion is crawling right on the skin of the person with the tattoo.
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